Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
low_range_sg_gas_k0 4622 R/W Float 8
mid_range_sg_gas_k1 4623 R/W Float 8
high_range_sg_gas_k2 4624 R/W Float 8
low_gas_limit 47D9 Gas The name of the gas to be used to determine the K0 calibration point. R/W Enum 32
mid_gas_limit 47DB Gas The name of the gas to be used to determine the K1 calibration point. R/W Enum 32
high_gas_limit 47DA Gas The name of the gas to be used to determine the K2 calibration point. R/W Enum 32
low_range_time_period_gas_k0_1 43F6 Sensor Time Period (Low) The sensor time period used to calculate the K0 calibration point. R Float 10
mid_range_time_period_gas_k1_1 43F7 Sensor Time Period (Medium) The sensor time period used to calculate the K1 calibration point. R Float 10
high_range_time_period_gas_k2_1 43F8 Sensor Time Period (High) The sensor time period used to calculate the K2 calibration point. R Float 10
low_range_sg_gas_k0_1 4625 R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class