Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Conc_equation_type_1 4A08 Concentration Equation Type R/W Enum 32
Conc_equation_type_2 4A11 Concentration Equation Type R/W Enum 32
Conc_equation_type_3 4A1A Concentration Equation Type R/W Enum 32
Conc_equation_type_4 4A23 Concentration Equation Type R/W Enum 32
Conc_equation_type_5 4A2C Concentration Equation Type R/W Enum 32
Conc_equation_type_6 4A35 Concentration Equation Type R/W Enum 32
Conc_curve_auto_switch 41BF Matrix Switching R/W Enum 32
chan_a 41C0 チャンネル A This parameter identifies the physical output channel to be configured. Channel A is terminals 1 and 2, Channel B is terminals 3 and 4, and Channel C is terminals 5 and 6. R Enum 64
chan_b 41C1 チャンネル B This parameter identifies the physical output channel to be configured. Channel A is terminals 1 and 2, Channel B is terminals 3 and 4, and Channel C is terminals 5 and 6. R/W Enum 64
dens_legacy_index_1 41CF 濃度レガシー 指数 1 R/W Index 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class