Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
prog_const_F 4191 F The value to be used for this constant in the equation. R/W Float 32
prog_const_a 4192 定数 The constant value to be used for this variable in the equation. R/W Float 32
prog_const_b 4193 定数 The constant value to be used for this variable in the equation. R/W Float 32
prog_const_c 4194 定数 The constant value to be used for this variable in the equation. R/W Float 32
prog_const_d 4195 定数 The constant value to be used for this variable in the equation. R/W Float 32
prog_const_e 4196 定数 The constant value to be used for this variable in the equation. R/W Float 32
prog_const_f 4197 定数 The constant value to be used for this variable in the equation. R/W Float 32
spcl_equation_type 4198 User-Defined Calculation Output Type R/W Enum 32
spcl_equation_base_dens_source 4199 ベース濃度ソース R/W Enum 32
spcl_equation_pointer_a 419A The process variable to be used for this variable in the equation. R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class