Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
DensAtTempIso27 412A 密度 3 R/W Float 8
DensAtTempIso28 412B 密度 4 R/W Float 8
DensAtTempIso29 412C 密度 5 R/W Float 8
Conc_msmt_mode 412F 導出変数 R/W Enum 32
velocity_hi_limit 4131 速度上限 R Float 8
velocity_lo_limit 4132 速度下限 R Float 8
dens_cal_a1 4133 A1 The calibration factors calculated for this meter, in an updated format. R/W Float 8
dens_cal_a2 4134 A2 The calibration factors calculated for this meter, in an updated format. R/W Float 8
dens_cal_a3 4135 A3 The calibration factors calculated for this meter, in an updated format. R/W Float 8
dens_cal_a4 4136 A4 The calibration factors calculated for this meter, in an updated format. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class