Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ed_net_vol_flow_digital_value 42D6 Net Volume Flow Rate R Float 10
vol_flow_digital_units 41E1 Volume Flow Unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit. R/W Enum 32
vol_flow_digital_cutoff 4853 Volume Flow Cutoff The volume flow rate below which the frequency/pulse output indicates zero flow, and below which totalizers stop counting. Cutoffs can also be configured for the mA output(s) (the AO cutoffs). An AO cutoff is active only if the process variable assigned to the output is mass flow or volume flow. R/W Float 8
vol_flow_upper_sensor_limit 42D8 Volume Flow Upper Sensor Limit Valor límite superior del sensor: Define el valor máximo utilizable para el valor de rango superior. R Float 8
vol_flow_lower_sensor_limit 42DA Volume Flow Lower Sensor Limit Valor límite inferior del sensor: Define el valor mínimo utilizable para el valor de rango inferior. R Float 8
vol_flow_minimum_span 4854 Volume Flow Minimum Span Valor de span mínimo: Define la menor diferencia permitida entre el valor de rango superior y el valor de rango inferior. R Float 8
ma_1_cutoff 4774 mA Output Flow Rate Cutoff The mass or volume flow rate below which a milliamp output representing flow indicates zero flow. R/W Float 8
ma_2_cutoff 4775 mA Output Flow Rate Cutoff The mass or volume flow rate below which a milliamp output representing flow indicates zero flow. R/W Float 8
ednetvolumeflowClassificationCode 48B8 ED Net Volume Flow Classification Clasificación: Indica la tabla de expansión del código de unidad para una variable de dispositivo o dinámica particular. R Enum 0
ednetvolumeflowFamily 48B9 ED Net Volume Flow Family Familia de dispositivos: Indica la familia (es decir, presión, temperatura, flujo, etc.) a la que pertenece la variable de dispositivo. R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class