Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
sg_mw_rd_of_primary_gas 4E76 SG/MW/RD of Pure Gas R/W Float 2048
sg_mw_rd_of_second_gas 4E77 SG/MW/RD of Second Gas R/W Float 2048
enable_calculated_density 4E79 Diagnostic Calculated Density R/W Enum 8
sg_cal1_text 4E7A Calibration Name R/W ASCII 2048
sg_cal2_text 4E7B Calibration Name R/W ASCII 2048
sg_cal3_text 4E7C Calibration Name R/W ASCII 2048
sg_cal4_text 4E7D Calibration Name R/W ASCII 2048
user_water_density 4E7E Water Density R/W Float 32
ref_temperature_for_water_density 4E7F Reference Temperature (Water) R/W Float 32
ref_pressure_for_water_density 4E80 Reference Pressure (Water) R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class