Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
do1_state 4463 Discrete Output State This parameter identifies the state of the discrete output. R/W Enum 2
do1_polarity 46EB Полярность This parameter allows you to set the polarity of the discrete output. R/W Enum 1024
do1_FaultIndication 46EC Fault Action The state to which the discrete output will be set if the transmitter detects a fault with Alert Severity = Fault. If None is selected, the behavior of the discrete output will be controlled by Discrete Output Source. R/W Enum 1024
temp_cal_slope 4055 Наклон R/W Float 32
temp_cal_Offset 4056 Сдвиг R/W Float 32
alarm_integer 4059 Номер аларма. This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. R/W Unsigned 4096
alarm_severity 4067 Alarm Severity Assigns a severity level to the currently selected alarm. R/W Enum 4096
Alarm_Status 4069 Alarm Status R Enum 4096
varCount 406A Count R Unsigned 4096
Last_Posted 406B Last Posted R Unsigned 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class