Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
slughi 401A Верх. предел двухфазного потока A programmable high limit on density, which enables the transmitter to indicate slug flow (extremes in fluid density caused by slugs of gas or accumulation of solids in a liquid flow stream) if fluid density goes outside programmed slug flow limits. R/W Float 8
sluglo 401B Нижн. предел двухфазного потока A programmable low limit on density, which enables the transmitter to indicate slug flow (extremes in fluid density caused by slugs of gas or accumulation of solids in a liquid flow stream) if fluid density goes outside programmed slug flow limits. R/W Float 8
output_opt_brd 401C Тип платы This parameter represents the various types of output option boards that are available. R Enum 2048
slug_duration 401D Блокировка по времени двухфаз. потока A programmable time period, from 0.00 to 60.00 seconds, during which outputs representing flow hold their last measured value before indicating slug flow. R/W Float 12
velocity_switch_setpoint 4022 Velocity Switch Setpoint R/W Float 16
velocity_switch_hysteresis 4024 Гистерезис (0,001–0,1) R/W Float 8
Process_Variable_Code_index 4027 R Index 4096
Process_Variable_Code_0 49CA Var Code 0 The process variable of which display precision can be set R Enum 2048
Process_Variable_Code_1 49CB Var Code 1 The process variable of which display precision can be set R Enum 2048
Process_Variable_Code_2 49CC Var Code 2 The process variable of which display precision can be set R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class