Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
tube_amplitude_R 41CF Right Pickoff Amplitude The pickoff voltage of the sensor measured in Voltage. R Float 2
drive_gain 41D0 Drive Gain The drive gain of the transmitter measured in Voltage. R Float 2
config_register 41CB Number of Configuration Writes A register which is incremented when certain configuration changes are made. Used primarily for Custody Transfer. R Unsigned 34
calib_register 41CC Number of Calibration Parameters A register which is incremented when certain calibration changes are made. Used primarily for Custody Transfer. R Unsigned 34
live_zero 41C6 Live Zero Flow Rate This flow value is not effected by the flow cutoff and is damped at 8 seconds. It is to be used for diagnostic purposes only and is not used in ANY flow calculations or totalization. R Float 2
FD 41DD FD A calibration constant generated during a flowing (3rd point) density calibration. R/W Float 8
dd_rev 42F0 DD Revision R Integer 4096
dd_device_rev 42F1 Device Revision R Integer 4096
selected_diagnostic_var 42F2 Diagnostic Variable R/W Enum 4096
current_upper_limit 429A R Integer 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class