Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
massinventoryStatus 4A83 Status de família de inventário de massa Status da família do dispositivo – Indica a informação do sobre a variável do dispositivo para a família do dispositivo específico. R BitEnum 10
vol_flow_digital_units 405F Volume Flow Unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit. R/W Enum 32
vol_flow_digital_value 4060 Flow Rate Esta variável de processo é a taxa na qual o volume flui através do sensor. R Float 10
vol_flow_digital_cutoff 4062 Volume Flow Cutoff The volume flow rate below which the frequency/pulse output indicates zero flow, and below which totalizers stop counting. Cutoffs can also be configured for the mA output(s) (the AO cutoffs). An AO cutoff is active only if the process variable assigned to the output is mass flow or volume flow. R/W Float 8
vol_flow_upper_sensor_limit 4061 Volume Flow Upper Sensor Limit Valor do limite do sensor superior- Define o valor máimo usável para o valor de faixa superior. R Float 8
vol_flow_lower_sensor_limit 406F Volume Flow Lower Sensor Limit Valor do limite do sensor inferior- Define o valor máimo usável para o valor de faixa inferior. R Float 8
vol_flow_minimum_span 4070 Volume Flow Minimum Span Valor de intervalo mínimo- Define a menor diferença permitida entre o valor de faixa superior e o valor de faixa inferior. R Float 8
vol_flow_hzfreq 4071 Frequency Factor The number of cycles, in Hertz, that equal a proportional flow rate represented by the frequency/pulse output. R/W Float 512
vol_flow_hzrate 4072 Rate Factor The flow rate that equals a set frequency if the frequency output represents mass or volume flow; or the mass or volume total that equals a set number of pulses if the frequency output represents mass or volume total. R/W Float 512
vol_flow_p_u 4073 Pulses/Unit This parameter allows you to scale the frequency output in terms of the number of pulses per unit of flow. R/W Float 512
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class