Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
DT 40F0 DT The percent change in the elasticity of the flow tubes around the bending axis per 100 degrees Celsius. R/W Float 8
rt_freq 40F1 Present Frequency Output The frequency, in Hertz, presently being indicated on the frequency output. R Float 514
unknown_serial_number 4047 Sensor Serial Number R/W Unsigned 4096
unknown_float 4042 R Float 4096
unknown_units 40F2 Единица R/W Enum 4096
mass_rate_factor 40F3 Mass Factor A value, between 0.8 and 1.2, that will act as a multiplier for the mass flow rate. R/W Float 8
vol_rate_factor 40F4 Volume Factor A value, between 0.8 and 1.2, that will act as a multiplier for the volume flow rate. R/W Float 8
dens_factor 40F5 Density Factor A value, between 0.8 and 1.2, that will act as a multiplier for the density. R/W Float 8
tube_freq_digital_units 44ED Tube The tube frequency of the sensor measured in Hertz. R Enum 32
tube_freq 40F6 Tube Frequency R Float 10
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class