Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
drive_lower_sensor_limit 4099 LSL Значение нижнего предела сенсора - определяет минимальное используемое значение для значения нижнего предела диапазона R Float 8
drive_minimum_span 409A Minimum Span Значение минимального диапазона - определяет наименьшую допустимую разницу между значениями верхнего и нижнего пределов диапазона R Float 8
ext_temp_digital_value 4401 External Temperature R Float 10
mmi_flange_type 40AC Flange Configuration information identifying the flange material used with the sensor. Informational purposes only - does not affect flowmeter operation. R/W Enum 2048
liner_matl 40AD Liner Configuration information identifying any liner material used with the sensor. Informational purposes only - does not affect flowmeter operation. R/W Enum 2048
sensor_model 40AE Sensor Model Configuration information identifying the sensor model installed. Informational purposes only - does not affect flowmeter operation. R PackedAscii 2048
sensor_matl 40AF Material Configuration information identifying the material of which the sensor is constructed. Informational purposes only - does not affect flowmeter operation. R/W Enum 2048
sp_mass 40B0 Base Mass Unit A standard engineering unit that serves as the mass component in a special unit. R/W Enum 32
sp_mass_time 40B1 Base Mass Time A standard unit of time (seconds, minutes, hours, or days) that serves as the time component in a special unit. R/W Enum 32
sp_mass_fact 40B2 Conversion Factor A programmable divider for the base mass unit in a special unit. R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class