Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Precision_18 41C3 Gas Standard Volume Total Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_19 41C4 Gas Standard Volume Inventory Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_20 41C5 Live Zero Flow Rate Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
varMODBUS_Data_Type_Code 41C7 Modbus Data Type Code R/W Enum 4096
varCoil_Number 41C8 Coil Number or Starting Register Address R/W Unsigned 4096
varCoil_Value 41C9 Coil Value R/W Enum 4096
U16_Value 41CA U16 Value R/W Unsigned 4096
U32_Value 41CB U32 Value R/W Unsigned 4096
varFloat_Value 41CC Float Value R/W Float 4096
varException_Code 41CD Exception Code R Unsigned 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class