名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
process_temperature 407B Process Temperature of process 读/写 浮点 2
process_temperature_units_code 407C process temperature units 枚举 2
housing_temperature 407D Housing Temperature of electronics and housing 读/写 浮点 2
housing_temperature_units_code 407E housing temperature code 枚举 2
pulp_type_1 4025 Pulp type for recipe 1 Pulp type for recipe 1 读/写 枚举 2048
pulp_type_2 4029 Pulp type for recipe 2 Pulp type for recipe 2 读/写 枚举 2048
pulp_type_3 402D Pulp type for recipe 3 Pulp type for recipe 3 读/写 枚举 2048
pulp_type_4 4031 Pulp type for recipe 4 Pulp type for recipe 4 读/写 枚举 2048
pulp_type_5 4035 Pulp type for recipe 5 Pulp type for recipe 5 读/写 枚举 2048
pulp_type_6 4039 Pulp type for recipe 6 Pulp type for recipe 6 读/写 枚举 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类