Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
pg_arrow_down 403A ArrowDown Transmitter arrow-down key state R Enum 2
pg_pressure_percent_range 4052 % rnge Porcentaje de rango: Variable que rastrea la representación del valor digital con respecto al rango definido por el valor de rango inferior y el valor de rango superior, para modos de funcionamiento normales. Las unidades de esta variable siempre son en porcentaje. R Float 2
pg_pressure_alarm_code 4051 Alarm current Analog Output Alarm Type- Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the Field Device detects that the Analog Output may not be tracking the associated Field Device Variable. NOTE- The Digital Value representation may not be determinate. R/W Enum 2048
pg_pressure_transfer_function 4043 Lin.func Linearization Function- Defines the transformation function that will be applied from the Field Device Variable to the Analog Output, and Percent Range. The Linearization Function affect the Digital Value representation only when using USER - User function linearization. R/W Enum 2048
pg_pressure_range_units 403D Range unit R Enum 2048
pg_pressure_lower_range_value 403E LRV Lower Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value, and the 0% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Lower Range Value defines an operational endpoint which the alarms associated with the Analog Value, and the alarms associated with the Digital Value representation are derived. Minimum for LRV is 10 % under Lower Sensor Limit R/W Float 2048
pg_pressure_upper_range_value 403F URV Upper Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value, and the 100% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Upper Range Value defines an operational endpoint which the alarms associated with the Analog Value, and the alarms associated with the Digital Value representation are derived. Maximum for URV is 10 % over Upper Sensor Limit R/W Float 2048
pg_pressure_damping_value 4040 Damping Valor de amortiguación: Constante de tiempo de amortiguación que se aplica a la representación del valor digital y al valor analógico de la respectiva salida analógica. Las unidades de esta variable siempre se indican en segundos. R/W Float 2048
pg_pressure_sensor_sn 4053 Sensor s/n Número de serie del sensor: Identifica de manera única el sensor del que se deriva principalmente la representación del valor digital o la variable del dispositivo de campo. R Integer 2048
pg_pressure_sensor_units 4045 R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class