Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
device_variable_code_3 00E3 R/W Index 4096
device_variable_code_4 00E4 R/W Index 4096
polling_address 00A2 Polling Address Polling Address- Address used by the Host to identify a Field Device, and changeable by the User to control: the Multidrop Mode for Analog Output 1), and the Analog Output Fixed Mode of Analog Output 1) R/W Unsigned 128
message 00A4 Message Message- Text that is associated with the Field Device. This text can be used by the user in any way. There is no recommended use. R/W PackedAscii 2048
descriptor 00A5 Descriptor Descriptor- Text that is associated with the Field Device. This text can be used by the user in any way. There is no specific recommended use. R/W PackedAscii 2048
date 00A6 Date Date- Gregorian calendar date that is stored in the Field Device. This date can be used by the user in any way. There is no specific recommended use. R/W HartDate 2048
final_assembly_number 00A9 Transmitter S/N Final Assembly Number- Number that is used for identification purposes, and is associated with the overall Field Device. R/W Unsigned 2048
device_specific_status_0 102B Status Group 0 Field Device Specific Status Byte 1- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's. R BitEnum 2051
device_specific_status_1 102C Status Group 1 Field Device Specific Status Byte 2- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's. R BitEnum 2051
loopCurrent 00ED Analog Output Analog Output Value- Value that tracks the Digital Value representation, under normal operating modes. Analog Output- Measurable physical output which changes with respect to time, without user intervention. R/W Float 66
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class