Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
alm2Setpoint | 4020 | alm2 setpoint | Gas level at which alarm 2 will be set | R/W | Float | 10 |
alm3Setpoint | 4021 | alm3 setpoint | Gas level at which alarm 3 will be set | R/W | Float | 10 |
almSetpoint | 4022 | Setpoint edit val | R/W | Float | 4096 | |
almNum | 4023 | Alm edit num | number of the alarm to be edited(1,2 or 3) | R/W | Unsigned | 4096 |
almAction | 4024 | Alarm Actions | Defines the direction, latch and enable modes of the setpoint alarm | R/W | BitEnum | 4096 |
alm1Actions | 4025 | alm1 actions | Setpoint alarm 1 control actions | R/W | BitEnum | 10 |
alm2Actions | 4026 | alm2 actions | Setpoint alarm 2 control actions | R/W | BitEnum | 10 |
alm3Actions | 4027 | alm3 actions | Setpoint alarm 3 control actions | R/W | BitEnum | 10 |
calMode | 4028 | Cal Mode | Calibration mode selection variable | R/W | Enum | 4096 |
cal_abort | 4029 | cal abort | Calibration abort command byte | R/W | Unsigned | 4096 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |