Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
secondary_variable_code 0FD1 SV is Secondary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Secondary Variable dynamic variable R/W Index 128
tertiary_variable_code 0FD2 TV is Tertiary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Tertiary Variable dynamic variable R/W Index 128
quaternary_variable_code 1082 QV is Quaternary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Quaternary Variable dynamic variable R/W Index 128
ACK_count 11DB ACK Count Count of ACK messages received by this device R Unsigned 130
BACK_count 11DC BACK Count Count of BACK messages received by this device R Unsigned 130
STX_count 11DA STX Count Count of STX messages received by this device R Unsigned 130
status_output 8000FF02 Output Status Output Status Byte R/W Enum 34
uint16_var_blk_char 8000FF05 uint16_var_blk_char R/W Unsigned 32
uint32_var_blk_char 8000FF06 uint32_var_blk_char R/W Unsigned 32
uint8_var_blk_char 8000FF04 uint8_var_blk_char R/W Unsigned 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class