Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
longTag 00D2 Long tag Etiqueta larga: Funciona exactamente igual que la etiqueta excepto que el tamaño es mayor (máximo 32 caracteres ISO Latín 1). R/W ASCII 2048
device_variable_code_1 00E1 R/W Index 4096
device_variable_code_2 00E2 R/W Index 4096
device_variable_code_3 00E3 R/W Index 4096
device_variable_code_4 00E4 R/W Index 4096
device_variable_code_5 0100 R/W Index 4096
device_variable_code_6 0101 R/W Index 4096
device_variable_code_7 0102 R/W Index 4096
device_variable_code_8 0103 R/W Index 4096
polling_address 00A2 Poll addr Polling Address- Address used by the Host to identify a Field Device, and changeable by the User to control: the Multidrop Mode for Analog Output 1), and the Analog Output Fixed Mode of Analog Output 1) R/W Unsigned 128
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class