Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
percentRange_limit_status 401C LS Limit Status- Indicates whether the device variable is limited (i.e., not responding to a process). R Enum 0
percentRange_family_status 401D Family status Device Family Status- Indicates additional status information on a device variable for a specific device family. R Enum 0
percentRange_classification 401E Class Classification- Indicates the unit code expansion table used for a particular dynamic or device variable. R Enum 0
percentRange_family 401F Device family Device Family- Indicates the family (i.e, pressure, temperature, flow, etc.) that the device variable belongs. R Enum 0
percentRange_serialNum 4020 Snsr s/n Sensor Serial Number- Uniquely identifies the sensor from which the Digital Value representation or Field Device variable is primarily derived. R/W Unsigned 0
percentRange_write_dev_var_code 4022 percentRange write dev var code W Enum 2052
aim_dummy_variable 4024 R Unsigned 0
aim_dummy_variable_float 4013 R Float 0
SteamTrapStatusValue 4025 steam_trap_status R Enum 2050
SteamTrapStatusUnits 4026 No units No units R/W Enum 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class