名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
VRtch 403D VRtch Vrtch = voltage across Rtch to Gnd 浮点 2
VRtcl 403E VRtcl VRtcl = voltage acroos Rtcl to Gnd 浮点 2
VLl 403F VLl Vll = voltage across Ll to Gnd 浮点 2
VLeakSense 4040 VLeakSense VleakSense = voltage across LeakSense to Gnd 浮点 2
VExtIn 4041 VExtIn VextIn = voltage across ExtIn to Gnd 浮点 2
VTemp 4042 VTemp Vtemp = voltage across Temp to Gnd 浮点 2
VCal 4043 VCal Vcal = voltage read from the independent calibrator 浮点 2
ElecTemp 4044 Electronic Temp Electronics Temperature 浮点 2
Runtime 4045 Run Time MFT-B accumulated run time hours 无符号 2
Irp 4046 Rp Current Rp Current 浮点 2
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类