Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
temperatureDampingValue 4020 Temp damp Valor de amortiguación: Constante de tiempo de amortiguación que se aplica a la representación del valor digital y al valor analógico de la respectiva salida analógica. Las unidades de esta variable siempre se indican en segundos. R Float 0
temperatureSerialNumber 4021 Temp snsr s/n Número de serie del sensor: Identifica de manera única el sensor del que se deriva principalmente la representación del valor digital o la variable del dispositivo de campo. R Unsigned 2048
Flame_Type 4028 Flame Unit Type This is the flame unit type: IR3S, UVS, UV/IRS R Enum 2048
MyDeviceID 403F HART JB ID This is the Device ID for HART JB, after change this number, host need re-connect to device R/W Integer 2048
RTCDate 402B Date This is the Real Time CLock Date R/W HartDate 2050
RTCTime 402C Time (HHMM) This is the Real Time Clock Time, Hour:Min as HHMM ( 10:30 as 1030 ) R/W ASCII 2050
FlameStatus 4024 Status This is the Status of Flame Unit R Enum 2
IR3SCommunication 4029 CLP/MODBUS Output This is the flame unit Output condition R Enum 2048
DipSwitchFlag 402A DipSwitch Setting This is the flame unit Output condition R Enum 2048
CalDate1 4030 Event Date This is the date when a event happened R/W HartDate 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class