Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
uiModbusAddress 4049 Modbus Address Modbus slave address of the sensor R/W Unsigned 2048
eModbusBaudRate 4026 Modbus Baud Rate Baud rate used for coummincation on the Modbus R/W Enum 2048
uiModelNumber 404A Model Number Sensor model number R Integer 2048
rAlarm1Level 401D Alarm 1 Level Threshold for activating alarm 1 R/W Integer 1024
rAlarm2Level 401E Alarm 2 Level Threshold for activating alarm 2 R/W Integer 1024
rAlarm3Level 401F Alarm 3 Level Threshold for activating alarm 3 R/W Integer 1024
eAlarm1Direction 4027 Alarm 1 Direction An ascending alarm is activated when the concentration goes from below the alarm threshold to above it. A descending alarm is activated when the concentration goes from above the threshold to below it. Descending alarms are used for oxygen sensors. Ascending alarms are used for all other gases. R/W Enum 1024
eAlarm1Type 4028 Alarm 1 Type A latching alarm remains active after the alarm condition has cleared. A non-latching alarm will deactivate once the alarm condition has cleared. R/W Enum 1024
eAlarm1State 4029 Alarm 1 Condition An energized alarm relay has the normally open and common connections shorted in a non-alarm condition. A de-energized alarm relay has the normally closed and common connections shorted in a non-alarm condition. R/W Enum 1024
eAlarm2Direction 402A Alarm 2 Direction An ascending alarm is activated when the concentration goes from below the alarm threshold to above it. A descending alarm is activated when the concentration goes from above the threshold to below it. Descending alarms are used for oxygen sensors. Ascending alarms are used for all other gases. R/W Enum 1024
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class