Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
rLowPressureAlarmPoint | 4020 | Low Alarm Pressure | Set low pressure for alarm. | W | Float | 2048 |
rHighPressureAlarmPoint | 4021 | High Alarm Pressure | Set low pressure for alarm. | W | Float | 2048 |
cInletPressureClassification | 401C | R | Enum | 2048 | ||
cInletPressureDataQuality | 401D | R | Integer | 8 | ||
cInletPressureLimitStatus | 401E | R | Integer | 8 | ||
cInletPressureDeviceFamilyStatus | 401F | R | Integer | 8 | ||
rStrokeTime | 4025 | Stroke Time | Set Maximum Stroke Time Alarm (seconds) (Operations warning will generated if time to open or time to close exceeds this value.) | R/W | Float | 1 |
cValveStatus | 4028 | Valve Status | TBD | R | Unsigned | 2 |
wDeadTimeToOpenBaseline | 402A | Baseline Open Dead Time | R | Integer | 8 | |
wBreakLoadToOpenBaseline | 402C | Baseline Open Breakaway Pressure | R | Integer | 8 | |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |