Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
DevTemperSerialNumber | 403E | Número serial do sensor | Número de série do sensor – Unicamente indentifica o sensor do qual a representação de valor digital ou variável do dispositivo de campo é primariamente derivada. | R | Unsigned | 0 |
iout_type | 4040 | Type | Analog output type | R/W | Enum | 64 |
iout_alarm_low_value | 4041 | Low alarm current | The value of low level alarm current in mAps (Min 3.5, Max 3.8) | R/W | Float | 64 |
iout_alarm_high_value | 4042 | High alarm current | The value of high level alarm current in mAps (Min 20.0, Max 23.0) | R/W | Float | 64 |
sqrt_hyst | 4043 | SQRT hysteresis | Hysteresis of SQRT. If SQRT transfer function is on, this parameter allows to set the difference between on/off state of linearization. Acceptable values diapason 0...8% | R/W | Float | 2048 |
sqrt_cutoff | 4044 | SQRT cutoff | Cutoff of SQRT. If SQRT transfer function is on, this parameter allows to set the cutoff threhold. If the pressure value lower than threshold, the value sets equal to zero. Acceptable values diapason 0...8% | R/W | Float | 2048 |
sqrt_lin | 4045 | SQRT linearization | Linearization of SQRT. If SQRT transfer function is on, this parameter allows to set the linearization threhold. If the pressure value lower than threshold, the transfer function sets equal to linear instead of square root. Acceptable values diapason 0...8% | R/W | Float | 2048 |
displ_mode | 4046 | Display mode | Display mode specifies what is shown on display at measure mode. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
displ_num_signes | 4047 | Precision | Precision specifies Num signes after decimnal separator. | R/W | Unsigned | 2048 |
prot_gerc_en | 4048 | Set zero using sealed contact | Enabled or disables setting zero using sealed contact. | R/W | Enum | 0 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |