Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
P_OP_END 4094 Open Direction End Positon Open to the end R/W Unsigned 8
P_OP_ON_POT 4095 Open Direction Pulsate Journey Open trend R/W Unsigned 8
P_OP_OFF_T 4096 Open Direction Stoppage Time Opening stop R/W Unsigned 8
P_CL_STAR 4097 Close Direction Start Positon Off orientation R/W Unsigned 8
P_CL_END 4098 Close Direction End Positon Off to the end R/W Unsigned 8
P_CL_ON_POT 4099 Close Direction Pulsate Journey Offward range R/W Unsigned 8
P_CL_OFF_T 409A Close Direction Stoppage Time Off stop R/W Unsigned 8
BLUETOOTH_OVER 409B BLUETOOTH_OVER Bluetooth operation allows beyond R/W BitEnum 8
BLUETOOTH_MODE 409C BLUETOOTH_MODE Bluetooth operation mode R/W Enum 0
BLUETOOTH_ADDR 409D BLUETOOTH_ADDR Bluetooth address R/W Unsigned 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class