Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
EventRow1 | 41AF | Event | The number of the event in the device history. | R | Integer | 4096 |
EventRow2 | 41B3 | Event | The number of the event in the device history. | R | Integer | 4096 |
EventRow3 | 41B7 | Event | The number of the event in the device history. | R | Integer | 4096 |
EventRow4 | 41BB | Event | The number of the event in the device history. | R | Integer | 4096 |
EventRow5 | 41BF | Event | The number of the event in the device history. | R | Integer | 4096 |
EventRow6 | 41C3 | Event | The number of the event in the device history. | R | Integer | 4096 |
EventRow7 | 41C7 | Event | The number of the event in the device history. | R | Integer | 4096 |
EventRow8 | 41CB | Event | The number of the event in the device history. | R | Integer | 4096 |
EventRow9 | 41CF | Event | The number of the event in the device history. | R | Integer | 4096 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |