名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
initials 405E Date/Time/Initials Date/Time/Initials - When and by whom the configuration was performed. 读/写 压缩文本 2052
local_tag 405F Local Tag Text describing the local tag designation for the unit. 读/写 ASCII 2048
MagnetrolSN 4060 Magnetrol S/N Magnetrol S/N - Serial number of this unit. 读/写 ASCII 2052
NSPValue 4061 NSP Value Enter new value when directed by Magnetrol. 读/写 无符号 2052
signal 402F Signal Signal - Displays the signal and the corresponding value of the PV. These values can be compared against the original calibration data to determine if configuration of the TA2 has changed since originally calibrated . 浮点 2050
firmware_version 4062 Firmware Version Firmware Version - Provides the version and date of the Firmware used by the TA2. ASCII 2052
trim4mA_AO1 4063 AO1 4mA Trim Value AO1 4mA Trim Value 无符号 2050
trim20mA_AO1 4064 AO1 20mA Trim Value 20mA Trim Value - Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. 无符号 2050
trim4mA_AO2 4065 AO2 4mA Trim Value 4mA Trim Value - Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. 无符号 2050
trim20mA_AO2 4066 AO2 20mA Trim Value 20mA Trim Value - Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. 无符号 2050
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类