Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
mass2_set20mA 401F SV Upr Range Val SV Upr Range Val - Enter the 20 mA point using the units of measurement previously selected. R/W Float 64
temp_set4mA 4026 SV Lwr Range Val SV Lwr Range Val - Enter the 4 mA point using the units of measurement previously selected. R/W Float 64
temp_set20mA 4027 SV Upr Range Val SV Upr Range Val - Enter the 20 mA point using the units of measurement previously selected. R/W Float 64
specific_model 404E Specific Model Select the appropriate TA2 model. R/W Enum 2048
diameter 404F R/W Float 16
area 4050 Flow Area Flow Area - The flow area must be entered. This is done by either entering the inside diameter of a pipe or the cross sectional area of the pipe or duct. R/W Float 16
calareaA 4051 Cal Pipe Area Cal Pipe Inside Area - The inside area of the pipe used during calibration. R/W Float 16
calareaB 4052 Cal Pipe Area Cal Pipe Area R/W Float 16
AutoSwitching 42A7 Auto Switching Enable or Disable the auto switching operation. R/W Enum 2048
totalizerR_mode 4053 R Totalizer Mode Mode - Enable or Disable the totalizer operation. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class