Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
FlowAPt23 40CB Pt 23 Vel Calibration table flow entry corresponding to Pt 23 Power. R/W Float 2048
FlowAPt24 40CC Pt 24 Vel Calibration table flow entry corresponding to Pt 24 Power. R/W Float 2048
FlowAPt25 40CD Pt 25 Vel Calibration table flow entry corresponding to Pt 25 Power. R/W Float 2048
FlowAPt26 40CE Pt 26 Vel Calibration table flow entry corresponding to Pt 26 Power. R/W Float 2048
FlowAPt27 40CF Pt 27 Vel Calibration table flow entry corresponding to Pt 27 Power. R/W Float 2048
FlowAPt28 40D0 Pt 28 Vel Calibration table flow entry corresponding to Pt 28 Power. R/W Float 2048
FlowAPt29 40D1 Pt 29 Vel Calibration table flow entry corresponding to Pt 29 Power. R/W Float 2048
FlowAPt30 40D2 Pt 30 Vel Calibration table flow entry corresponding to Pt 30 Power. R/W Float 2048
flow_tbl_B_length 40D3 Table Length Number of valid power-flow pairs in the calibration table. A power-flow pair is valid if both values are greater than all preceding power-flow pairs. R Unsigned 2050
PowerBPt01 40D4 Pt 01 Power Calibration table power entry corresponding to Pt 01 Vel. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class