Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
mass_places 4048 Mass decimal places Mass decimal places. R Unsigned 2048
electronics_temp 4090 Current Temperature Present temperature measured at the electronics. R Float 2051
max_elec_temp 4091 Max Temperature Maximum temperature ever measured for the electronics. R Float 2051
min_elec_temp 4092 Min Temperature Minimum temperature ever measured for the electronics. R Float 2051
max_process_temp 4093 Max Temperature Maximum temperature ever measured for the process. R Float 2051
signal_setting 4094 Fixed Signal Value Enter the desired Signal in mW. R/W Float 2048
diag_info_bits 4095 Informational R BitEnum 2051
flow_tbl_A_length 4096 Table Length Number of valid power-flow pairs in the calibration table. A power-flow pair is valid if both values are greater than all preceding power-flow pairs. R Unsigned 2050
PowerAPt01 4097 Pt 01 Power Calibration table power entry corresponding to Pt 01 Vel. R/W Float 2048
PowerAPt02 4098 Pt 02 Power Calibration table power entry corresponding to Pt 02 Vel. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class