Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
mass1_value 4010 PV Mass R Float 10
flow2_value 4017 SV Flow R Float 10
mass2_value 401D SV Mass R Float 10
velocity_value 4049 Velocity R Float 10
temperature_value 4022 SV Process Temperature R Float 10
totalizerNR_value 402A NR Totalizer Flow Non-resettable value representing the total flow measured by the unit. R Float 10
totalizerR_value 402C R Totalizer Flow Total flow measured by this unit since the totalizer was last reset. R Float 10
custom_unit_text 404C Custom Unit Text Text describing the units for the custom unit output. R/W ASCII 16
custom_unit_text_fake 4040 Custom Unit Text Text describing the units for the custom unit output. R/W Enum 16
custom_unit_mult 404D Custom Unit Mult Multiplier used to calculate the custom unit output. The multiplier is applied based on the PV. R/W Float 16
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class