Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
area 4050 Flow Area Flow Area - The flow area must be entered. This is done by either entering the inside diameter of a pipe or the cross sectional area of the pipe or duct. R/W Float 16
calareaA 4051 Cal Pipe Area Cal Pipe Inside Area - The inside area of the pipe used during calibration. R/W Float 16
calareaB 4052 Cal Pipe Area Cal Pipe Area R/W Float 16
totalizerR_mode 4053 R Totalizer Mode Mode - Enable or Disable the totalizer operation. R/W Enum 2048
pulse_mode 4054 Output Function Output Function - select the operation of the transistor output. R/W Enum 2048
pulse_units 4055 Pulse Units Pulse Units - Select units of measurements used by the pulse output. R/W Enum 2048
pulse_mult 4056 Pulse Multiplier Multiplier for the pulse output. For example, for a flow rate of 200 units per second,use a multiplier of 10 to create a pulse rate of 2000 Hz. If the pulse rate is too high, a "Pulse Multiplier Error" will occur. R/W Enum 2048
pulse_freq 4057 Pulse Max Freq Pulse Maximum Frequency - Select the maximum frequency that matches the specifications of the external counter. If the actual pulse rate is higher than this value a "Pulse Multiplier Error" will occur. R/W Enum 2048
alarm_setpoint 4058 Alarm Setpoint Alarm Setpoint - Enter the PV value that corresponds to the desired alarm point. R/W Float 2048
alarm_mode 4059 Alarm Operation Alarm Operation - When set for low flow, the contacts will open when the actual flow rate is less than the setpoint. When set for high flow, the alarm contacts will open when the actual flow rate is greater than the setpoint. There is a built-in 10% hysteresis between the alarm point and the reset point. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class