Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
totalizerR_places 404B R Totalizer decimal places Resettable totalizer decimal places. R Unsigned 2048
totalizerNR_time 408E NR Totalizer Time Total time over which the total flow occurred. Note that rollover to zero time will occur when the total time exceeds 11.4 years. R Float 2050
totalizerR_time 408F R Totalizer Time Total time, since the totalizer was reset, over which the total flow occurred. R Float 2050
flow_places 4047 Flow decimal places Flow decimal places. R Unsigned 2048
mass_places 4048 Mass decimal places Mass decimal places. R Unsigned 2048
electronics_temp 4090 Current Temperature Present temperature measured at the electronics. R Float 2051
max_elec_temp 4091 Max Temperature Maximum temperature ever measured for the electronics. R Float 2051
min_elec_temp 4092 Min Temperature Minimum temperature ever measured for the electronics. R Float 2051
max_process_temp 4093 Max Temperature Maximum temperature ever measured for the process. R Float 2051
signal_setting 4094 Fixed Signal Value Enter the desired Signal in mW. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class