Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
power_predictor 4085 Power Predictor Power Predictor - Factory calibration parameter. R/W Float 2048
fact_param_1 4086 Factory Parameter 1 Factory Parameter 1 - Factory calibration parameter. R/W Float 2048
fact_param_2 4087 Factory Parameter 2 Factory Parameter 2 - Factory calibration parameter. R/W Float 2048
fact_param_3 4088 Factory Parameter 3 Factory Parameter 3 - Factory calibration parameter. R/W Float 2048
fact_param_4 4089 Factory Parameter 4 Factory Parameter 4 - Factory calibration parameter. R/W Float 2048
fact_param_5 408A Factory Parameter 5 Factory Parameter 5 - Factory calibration parameter. R/W Float 2048
entered_password 408B Enter Password Password is required to change calibration factors. W Unsigned 2052
totalizerNR_mult 408C NR Totalizer Mult Multiplier for the non-resettable totalizer. For example, an accumulated value of 1,000 will display as 10 if the multiplier is set to 100. R/W Enum 2048
totalizerR_mult 408D R Totalizer Mult Multiplier for the resettable totalizer. For example, an accumulated value of 1,000 will display as 10 if the multiplier is set to 100. R/W Enum 2048
totalizerNR_places 404A NR Totalizer decimal places Non-resettable totalizer decimal places. R Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class