Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Duration_units8 41E9 R Enum 4096
Occurred_units9 41EA R Enum 4096
Duration_units9 41EB R Enum 4096
EventRow0 41AB Event The number of the event in the device history. R Integer 4096
rtd_cal_result_db 4180 RTD Calibration The status of the RTD calibration stored in the device. R/W Enum 1
rtd_cal_result_lcl 4181 RTD Calibration The status of the present RTD calibration. R/W Enum 1
amb_rtd_count 4182 Ambient RTD Count R Integer 1
deltat_rtd_count 4183 Delta T RTD Count R Integer 1
BathTemperature 4185 Bath Temperature Temperature of the RTD calibration water bath. W Float 8
htr_calib_result_db 417B Heater Calibration The status of the heater calibration stored in the device. R/W Enum 1
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class