Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
level_transfer_function 400B R Enum 32
level_usl 4003 Nível do USL R Float 2048
level_lsl 4004 Nível do LSL R Float 2048
SensorOffset 401B Sensor Offset Sensor Offset is the distance (+ or -) from the sensor reference point (bottom of NPT thread or flange face, top of BSP thread) to the top of the tank. R/W Float 2048
LevelOffset 401C Level Offset Level Offset defines an area at the bottom of the vessel where reflections cannot be measured effectively due to angled bottoms or obstructions. It is the distance from the bottom of the tank to the lowest valid level reading. Level reading will never be lower than Level Offset value. R/W Float 2048
Set4mA 400D 4mA Set Point Valor de endpoint de saída analógica- Define o endpoint inferior da respectiva saída analógica, para condições de operação normal R/W Float 64
Set20mA 400C 20mA Set Point Valor de endpoint superior de saída analógica – Define o endpoint superior darespectiva saída analógica para as condições de operação normal R/W Float 64
damping 401D Damping A damping factor (0-45) may be added to smooth a noisy display and/or output due to turbulence. R/W Unsigned 8
damping_na 4007 Damping Time Constant Damping Time Constant is not applicable for this device. R/W Float 8
PipeIDunits 4140 R Enum 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class