Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
datalog_stop_time 40F4 Stop Time The time at which event recording stops. R/W Time 0
datalog_record_interval 40F5 Interval (minutes) The interval between time-based recordings. R/W Unsigned 0
OKtoChangeDatalog 40F6 OKtoChangeDatalog R/W Unsigned 4096
OKtoChangeTankProfile 40F7 OKtoChangeTankProfile R/W Unsigned 4096
TankProfileStatus 40D3 Tank Profile Status Shows present status of Tank Profile process- Ready, Running or Completed. R/W Enum 0
TankProfileChangeFlag 40F8 Tank Profile Change Flag Indicates a change has occurred in the Tank Profile data since the last data read. R Enum 0
TankProfileUpperLimitGoal 40DE Upper Limit Goal User-defined highest point for the Tank Profile process to capture values. R/W Float 0
TankProfileLowerLimitGoal 40DF Lower Limit Goal User-defined lowest point for the Tank Profile process to capture values. R/W Float 0
TankProfileUpperLimitAchieved 40E0 Upper Limit Achieved Highest point at which the Tank Profile process actually captured values. R Float 0
TankProfileLowerLimitAchieved 40E1 Lower Limit Achieved Lowest point at which the Tank Profile process actually captured values. R Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class