Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
trend_level_value 4075 Level Level of material on the probe. (When in interface mode, this value corresponds to the level of the upper surface. R Float 10
trend_ifclvl_value 4076 Ifc Level Level of liquid-liquid interface. When no interface is present, this value corresponds to the level of product in the vessel. R Float 10
trend_ifcthk_value 4077 Upr Thickness Thickness of the upper liquid layer. R Float 10
trend_volume_value 4078 Volume Volume of product in the vessel. R Float 10
trend_head_value 407A Head Height of liquid in a flume or weir. R Float 10
trend_distance_value 407B Distance Distance from the sensor reference point to the upper surface level. R Float 10
trend_flow_value 4079 Flow Flow R Float 10
trend_loop_value 407C Analog Output Allows for configuration of the 4/20mA Analog Output, which includes the lower and upper set points, Damping, and Failure Alarms. R Float 10
percent_output_value 407D % Output Percent of Output of the Primary Variable and Analog Output 1 Current. R Float 10
trend_echo_str_value 407E Echo Strength Relative strength of the level signal being detected. (When in the interface mode, this value corresponds to the strength of the upper level signal). R Unsigned 10
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class