Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
v_notch_angle 4841 V-Notch Weir Angle Allows for entry of the angle of V-Notch Weir. R/W Enum 2048
crest_length 4842 Weir Crest Length Horizontal length of the crest of the weir. (Range is 0 to 215 feet). R/W Float 2048
ref_dist 4843 Reference Distance The reference distance is the distance from the sensor reference point to the point of zero flow in the flow element. R/W Float 2048
max_flow 4844 Maximum Flow Maximum flow is the largest value that will be displayed for flow. (It is calculated from the Maximum Head.) R Float 2048
max_head 4845 Maximum Head Maximum head is the highest level allowed for the selected flow element. (This value depends on which flow element is selected, and where the Model 706 is mounted). R/W Float 2048
low_flow_cutoff 1F51 Low Flow Cutoff Low flow cutoff will force a zero flow value when the head is below this point. R/W Float 2048
factor_K 4846 K Factor K of the generic equation: Flow = K*(L-C*H)H^n where H = head. R/W Float 2048
factor_L 4847 L Factor L of the generic equation: Flow = K*(L-C*H)H^n where H = head. R/W Float 2048
factor_C 4848 C Factor C of the generic equation: Flow = K*(L-C*H)H^n where H = head. R/W Float 2048
factor_n 4849 n Factor n of the generic equation: Flow = K*(L-C*H)H^n where H = head. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class