Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ProbeLength 47C6 Probe Length Distance from probe reference point to end of probe. Up to 100 feet maximum depending on Probe Model. (Probe reference point is bottom of NPT Threads, top of BSP Threads, or face of flange). R/W Float 2048
LevelOffset 47C7 Level Offset Desired level reading when liquid surface is at the tip of the probe. (Range is -25 feet [7.6 meters] to +75 feet [22 meters]). R/W Float 2048
LevelTrim 47C8 Level Trim An offset value to be used to force the transmitter to output the exact Level or Distance. This should only be used after all parameters have been entered correctly, and it has been confirmed that the transmitter is tracking the correct level. R/W Float 2048
BlockingDist 46A2 Blocking Distance Distance below the reference point within which level is ignored. (Operation is undefined when the liquid level is within the blocking distance). R/W Float 2048
SZFault 47C9 Safety Zone Alarm Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the transmitter detects a level within the Safety Zone. Enable fault to ensure safe, reliable high-level readings in critical applications. (If Latch 3.6 or Latch 22 is chosen, the unit will remain in alarm until it is manually cleared with the SZ Alarm Reset.) R/W Enum 65
SZHeight 47CA Safety Zone Height Enter a distance that defines a safety zone just below the Blocking Distance. If Safety Zone Fault is enabled, the transmitter will report a fault if the level rises into this zone. R/W Float 2048
SZHysteresis 47CB SZ Hysteresis Level must fall this distance below Safety Zone to clear a Safety Zone Fault. Default setting is suitable for most installations. Refer to I & O manual before adjusting. R/W Float 2048
Sensitivity 46A1 Sensitivity Present Sensitivity (gain) of the instrument. Default setting depends on Dielectric parameter and is suitable for most installations. Refer to I & O manual before adjusting. R/W Unsigned 2048
LvlThreshMode 46A3 Lvl Thresh Mode Selects the negative signal threshold control for measuring the upper level pulse. Use 'Fixed' unless certain that there is only one medium present in the vessel. R/W Enum 2048
SlopedStartValue 46A4 Sloped Start Value Relative setting of the initial threshold for detecting level near the sensor reference point. Default setting is suitable for most installations. Refer to I & O manual before adjusting. R/W Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class