Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
EventRow4 44D0 R/W Integer 4096
EventRow5 44D1 R/W Integer 4096
EventRow6 44D2 R/W Integer 4096
EventRow7 44D3 R/W Integer 4096
EventRow8 44D4 R/W Integer 4096
EventRow9 44D5 R/W Integer 4096
EventRow10 44D6 R/W Integer 4096
level_value 4002 Level Level of material in vessel. When interface is present, this value corresponds to the level of the upper surface. R Float 10
level_units 4000 Level Units Select units of measurement for level output. R/W Enum 0
level_Family 44EE Level Dev fmly Device Family- Indicates the family (i.e, pressure, temperature, flow, etc.) that the device variable belongs. R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class