名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |
MagnetrolSSN | 4025 | Magnetrol S/N | Magnetrol S/N - Serial number of this unit. | 读/写 | ASCII | 2052 |
Initials | 4026 | Date/Time/Initials | When and by whom calibration was performed. | 读/写 | 压缩文本 | 2052 |
FirmwareVersion | 4027 | Firmware Version | 现场设备软件版本——该版本对应现场设备内置的软件或固件。 | 读 | ASCII | 2052 |
ConversionFactor | 4028 | Conversion Factor | Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. | 读/写 | 整型 | 8 |
ScaleOffset | 4029 | Scale Offset | Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. | 读/写 | 整型 | 8 |
WaveformSelect | 402A | Waveform Selection | Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
BlockingDist | 402B | Blocking Distance | Distance below the reference point within which level is not sensed. Operation when the liquid level is within the blocking distance is undefined. | 读/写 | 浮点 | 2048 |
NegThreshAmpl | 402C | Neg Threshold Ampl | Threshold for detecting level. Default setting is suitable for most installations. Refer to I & O manual before adjusting. | 读/写 | 无符号 | 2048 |
PosThreshAmpl | 402D | Pos Threshold Ampl | Threshold for detecting end of probe. Default setting is suitable for most installations. Refer to I & O manual before adjusting. | 读/写 | 无符号 | 2048 |
IfcThreshAmpl | 402E | Ifc Threshold Ampl | Threshold for detecting liquid-liquid interface. Default setting is suitable for most installations. Refer to I & O manual before adjusting. | 读/写 | 无符号 | 2048 |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |