名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
Factory_Param2 4045 Factory Param 2 Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. 读/写 整型 8
Status_event 4046 Status Describes a fault or warning event. 枚举 2049
RunTime 4047 Run Time Elapsed time since power on. Also, run time is reset to zero when the Status History is cleared. 浮点 2049
Time_Occurred 4048 Occurred The elapsed time when fault or warning occurred. 浮点 2049
Duration 4049 Duration When a fault or warning is cleared, the difference between the present elapsed time and the time recorded when the event occurred is recorded as the duration. 浮点 2049
Runtime_units 404A 枚举 2049
Occurred_units 404B 枚举 2049
Duration_units 404C 枚举 2049
StrapTblLength 404D Strap Table Length Number of valid level-volume pairs in strapping table. A level-volume pair is valid if both values are greater than all preceding level-volume pairs. 整型 2048
LvlPt01 404E Pt01Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt01. 读/写 浮点 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类