Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
LvlPt02 404F Pt02Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt02. R/W Float 2048
LvlPt03 4050 Pt03Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt03. R/W Float 2048
LvlPt04 4051 Pt04Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt04. R/W Float 2048
LvlPt05 4052 Pt05Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt05. R/W Float 2048
LvlPt06 4053 Pt06Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt06. R/W Float 2048
LvlPt07 4054 Pt07Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt07. R/W Float 2048
LvlPt08 4055 Pt08Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt08. R/W Float 2048
LvlPt09 4056 Pt09Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt09. R/W Float 2048
LvlPt10 4057 Pt10Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt10. R/W Float 2048
LvlPt11 4058 Pt11Lvl Strapping table level entry corresponding to VolPt11. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class