Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
level_units | 4000 | Level Units | Select units of measurement for level output. | R/W | Enum | 32 |
volume_units | 4001 | Volume Units | Select units of measurement for volume output. | R/W | Enum | 32 |
level_value | 4002 | Level | Level of material in vessel. When interface is present, this value corresponds to the level of the upper surface. | R | Float | 10 |
volume_value | 4003 | Volume | Total volume of material in vessel. | R | Float | 10 |
ifclvl_value | 4004 | IfcLvl | Level of liquid-liquid interface. When no interface is present, this value corresponds to the level of the material in the vessel. | R | Float | 10 |
ifcvol_value | 4005 | IfcVol | Volume of lower liquid in vessel. When no interface is present, this value corresponds to the total volume of material in the vessel. | R | Float | 10 |
lvl_upper_sensor_limit | 4006 | Level USL | Valor límite superior del sensor: Define el valor máximo utilizable para el valor de rango superior. | R | Float | 8 |
lvl_lower_sensor_limit | 4007 | Level LSL | Valor límite inferior del sensor: Define el valor mínimo utilizable para el valor de rango inferior. | R | Float | 8 |
lvl_minimum_span | 4008 | Level Min Span | Valor de span mínimo: Define la menor diferencia permitida entre el valor de rango superior y el valor de rango inferior. | R | Float | 32 |
vol_upper_sensor_limit | 4009 | Volume USL | Valor límite superior del sensor: Define el valor máximo utilizable para el valor de rango superior. | R | Float | 8 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |