Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
UserPassword 4054 New User Password Password required to change user parameter settings from keypad. R/W Unsigned 2054
EnteredPassword 4013 Enter Password Certain parameters are password protected to prevent access by the user. Parameters that should never be changed by the user are protected with the Factory password. W Unsigned 2054
DriveAmplitude 401B Drive Amplitude Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R/W Unsigned 2048
Sensitivity 401A Sensitivity Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R/W Unsigned 2048
FloatMinSep 4055 Min Separation Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R/W Float 2048
Trim4mA 4011 4mA Trim Value Displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R Unsigned 2051
Trim20mA 4012 20mA Trim Value Displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R Unsigned 2051
MagnetrolSSN 4014 Orion S/N Orion S/N - Serial number of this unit. R/W PackedAscii 2052
Initials 4010 Date/Time/Initials When and by whom calibration was performed. R/W PackedAscii 2052
FirmwareVersion 401E Firmware Version Field Device Software Revision- This revision corresponds to the software or firmware, that is embedded in the Field Device R ASCII 2052
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class