Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
transfer_function 1F84 Uebertragungsfunkt. R Enum 32
lvl_set4mA 404E 4mA Set Point Meßanfang- bestimmt den Anfangspunkt für das analoge Ausgangssignal und den 0% Punkt des entsprechenden Prozentbereiches. Zusätzlich bestimmt der Meßanfang einen Arbeits-Endpunkt von dem die Alarme für den Analogausgang, als auch für den entsprechenden digitalen Wert stammen. R/W Float 64
lvl_set20mA 404F 20mA Set Point Meßende- bestimmt den Endpunkt für das analoge Ausgangssignal und den 100% Punkt des entsprechenden Prozentbereiches. Zusätzlich bestimmt das Meßende einen Arbeits-Endpunkt, von dem die Alarme für den Analogausgang, als auch für den entsprechenden digitalen Wert stammen. R/W Float 64
sensor_serial_number 4005 Sensor Seriennr. R Unsigned 2048
ProbeLength 400E Probe Length Distance from sensor reference point to end of probe. R/W Float 2048
LevelOffset 4050 Level Offset For top-mounted sensor, Level Offset is the distance from the zero level point to the end of probe (negative if zero level point is above the end of probe; positive if below.) For bottom-mounted sensor, Level Offset is the distance from the sensor reference point to the zero level point (positive if zero level point is above the reference; negative if below.) R/W Float 2048
SensorMount 401C Sensor Mount Mounting configuration of sensor - selects reference used to determine level. R/W Enum 2048
TrimLevel 4051 Trim Level Trim Level is a parameter for fine adjustment of the Level output to a known value. This should be used only after all other parameters have been entered correctly, and it has been confirmed that the transmitter is tracking the level correctly. Gross adjustment should be made using Level Offset. R/W Float 2048
TrimIfcLvl 4052 Trim Ifc Level Trim Interface Level is a parameter for fine adjustment of the IfcLvl output to a known value. This should be used only after all other parameters have been entered correctly, and it has been confirmed that the transmitter is tracking the interface level correctly. Gross adjustments should be made using Level Offset. R/W Float 2048
MeasType 4053 Measurement Type Single float operation (Level Only or Interface Only) reports level of float nearest sensor. Dual float operation (Level and Ifc or Ifc and Level) requires two floats R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class