Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
UserPassword | 4054 | New User Password | Password required to change user parameter settings from keypad. | R/W | Unsigned | 2054 |
EnteredPassword | 4013 | Enter Password | Certain parameters are password protected to prevent access by the user. Parameters that should never be changed by the user are protected with the Factory password. | W | Unsigned | 2054 |
DriveAmplitude | 401B | Drive Amplitude | Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. | R/W | Unsigned | 2048 |
Sensitivity | 401A | Sensitivity | Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. | R/W | Unsigned | 2048 |
FloatMinSep | 4055 | Min Separation | Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. | R/W | Float | 2048 |
Trim4mA | 4011 | 4mA Trim Value | Displayed for diagnostic purposes only. | R | Unsigned | 2051 |
Trim20mA | 4012 | 20mA Trim Value | Displayed for diagnostic purposes only. | R | Unsigned | 2051 |
MagnetrolSSN | 4014 | Orion S/N | Orion S/N - Serial number of this unit. | R/W | PackedAscii | 2052 |
Initials | 4010 | Date/Time/Initials | When and by whom calibration was performed. | R/W | PackedAscii | 2052 |
FirmwareVersion | 401E | Firmware Version | フィールド機器ソフトウェア レビジョン - これはソフトウェア又はファームウェアのレビジョンのことで, フィールド機器に書込まれています。 | R | ASCII | 2052 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |