Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ElecTemp 405E Elec Temperature Present temperature measured in the electronics compartment. R Integer 2051
MaxTemp 405F Max Temperature Maximum temperature measured in the electronics compartment. R Integer 2051
MinTemp 4060 Min Temperature Minimum temperature measured in the electronics compartment. R Integer 2051
Factory_Param1 4061 Factory Param 1 Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R/W Integer 8
Factory_Param2 4062 Factory Param 2 Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R/W Integer 8
Status_event 4063 Status Describes a fault or warning event. R Enum 2049
RunTime 4064 Run Time Elapsed time since power on. Run time is reset to zero when the Status History is cleared. R Float 2049
Time_Occurred 4065 Occurred The elapsed time when fault or warning occurred. R Float 2049
Duration 4066 Duration Length of time for which fault or warning persisted.If condition still exists, duration is length of time since it occurred. R Float 2049
Runtime_units 4067 R Enum 2049
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class